To be specific, Smith, Pacheco, and de Almeidas study investigated bilingual students multimodal composition in a formal learning context
(Cho (current issue) investigated how three L2 learners collaboratively wrote on Google Docs and used Skype to facilitate their discussion in an in-school but informal context
the tasks involved authentic, naturally motivated topics and contexts rather than collaborative writing prescribed by teachers as a language learning exercise (this volume)
study closely examined the meaning-making process of L2 learners through negotiation with contextual factors such as modes, tools, and languages.
Lin further explored seven contextual factors that may impact the effectiveness of CMC in SLA, and suggested that research settings
They also highlight how language development through CMC depends on a variety of contextual factors, including the writing environment provided and learner characteristics.s study compared multimodal composition between in-school and out-of-school settings, looking at writing outcomes in the two contexts.
Their study indicated that the different impact on students writing is mostly due to the inherent affordances of chats and text-based communication.
However, those findings contradict the findings of Lins (2014) meta-analysis study, which indicated no significant moderating effect of modality